Nuclear power phase-out is not the solution.

“A nuclear power phase-out is the discontinuation of usage of nuclear power for energy production. Often initiated because of concerns about nuclear power, phase-outs usually include shutting down nuclear power plants and looking towards fossil fuels and renewable energy.

Global nuclear power supply has fallen from 18% in the late 1950s to 11% in 2019. But does it help?Environmentalists concerned about global warming must reconsider their anti-nuclear views. The earth is warming at an ever-increasing rate and we must take immediate action. We cannot reverse the process, but we can at least slow it down. Renewables are a great solution to our problem, but they are still immature. We need a reliable source of electricity to completely replace fossils fuels. Solar and wind have their advantages and disadvantages.

The sun doesn’t shine all day, and the wind doesn’t blow every day. Batteries are still under-developed and have a long way until we can completely rely on them for storing the electricity from renewables to ensure a regular supply of electricity. Another obstacle that renewables face is land availability. Over-populated countries like China and India cannot sacrifice the huge land needed to set up solar and wind power plants. Which leaves us to one solution: nuclear.

A nuclear reactor operates all day and requires a very small amount of land. Nuclear is the second safest energy resource after wind (declared by WHO) provided there are no accidents. More than 450 reactors have operated till date with only 3 major accidents.

So, nuclear does seem reliable and phase-out is not a solution.


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