What does it require?

Each one of us is gifted and talented. But what distinguishes one from another? Why are some people at a higher status than others?
It all settles down to three qualities: consistent, persistent and perseverance provided you have a clear plan in your mind.

According to Oxford,
Consistent is ‘acting in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate.
Persistent is ‘continuing firmly or obstinately in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
Perseverance is ‘persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
It is true that some people are born with certain abilities but if they don’t work on it and do not develop themselves, it all goes in vain.

Image result for cosmic dreamer
We often look at highly successful people and say, ‘Man how lucky is he/she’ or things like ‘I wish I was that lucky’. What we don’t look is how they have applied these three qualities in their everyday life to reach where they are today. But then we start making excuses like ‘I don’t have enough time’, ‘I don’t have enough resources’. And that’s the major reason why we cannot reach to the position the people we admire have reached. 

Opportunities don’t knock at your doors. You need to get out and look for them. It requires building quality habits and repeating them every day. It requires huge stamina and patience. It requires showing up every day with high energy and optimism. No one becomes a great leader or a successful person in their field overnight. The process does not happen overnight, it happens when a person truly believes in their abilities and moves forward to make their dreams a reality.

So, it doesn’t matter if you haven’t got enough money or are very busy with your schedule, if you really wish to create your dream life then it wouldn’t hurt you waking up a few hours earlier or sleeping a few hours late. You need to dedicate some time of your day to yourself.
Your future self will eventually thank you!


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