Optimist am I,
Smiling am I,
Standing firm am I,
With no doubt in my faith;
I move forward with all my strength;
For I know God is just and even-handed with all;
He created this world full of pleasures and delights;
For us to thrive in with all our might;

Pessimists are they,
Frowning are they,
Collapsing are they,
With no true faith,
They curse their luck for all the wraiths;
Although never appreciate it for all good;
For they have forgotten that God is the creator;
For they have forgotten that He is the Lord of the worlds;
For they have forgotten that He knows the best for His creations;
Then why do they act as if they have been uninformed;
For they have been given brains of equal capacity;
Then why do they pretend like they have been ignored?
Hasn’t God sent His revelations to all of humanity?
They know what is right and what is wrong;
Nevertheless, they prefer to conceal the truth.


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